Combining gold jewelry with each other is very trendy. We think it's great, too, because now you can wear all your favorite aloé pieces at once. Our elegant treasures in white gold, yellow gold and rose gold can be beautifully mixed with each other. Create your own mix of colors to suit your mood and create a stunning look. Whether classic, elegant or sporty – be creative and reinvent yourself.

Double Diamond Initial Necklace Gemma

Triple Diamond Initial Necklace Amicitia

Diamond Initial Necklace Confido

Diamond Initial Bracelet Gratia

Double Diamond Initial Bracelet Affectio

Bubble Ring Arcus

Diamond Necklace Diligo

aloé digital gift card

Diamond Ring Aurum

Bubble Ring Moguntia

Initial Necklace Aequitas

Mini me - Kids Bracelet Liberi

Diamond Ring Caeles

Diamond Bracelet Causa

Diamond Necklace Felicis

Seven Diamonds Bracelet Spes